About Me

Hello, my name is Dominic Crofoot.
I am a Software Engineer.

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer​@ Anne Arundel County, Office of Information Technology

September 2019 - Present // Annapolis, MD

Full Stack Developer Intern​@ Anne Arundel County, Office of Information Technology

September 2016 - September 2019 // Annapolis, MD


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science​ @​ ​ U​niversity of Maryland, Baltimore County

May 2019 // Baltimore, MD


USM COVID App Challenge Winner

July 2020 // University System of Maryland

Skills & Projects

  • Programming Languages: Java, Javascript (ES6), Typescript, HTML, CSS, Python
  • Libraries & Frameworks: React Native, GraphQL, REST React, Redux, Expo, jQuery, Struts 2, Hibernate, Express, Maven, Bootstrap, Jest
  • Server Technology: PostgreSQL, Docker, SQL Server, Virtualbox
  • Tools & Platforms: Git, Jira, GCP, Firebase, Postman, AWS, Github